What are the Tooth Colored Fillings, White Fillings or Esthetic Fillings?
Tooth colored fillings (composite fillings, white fillings, aesthetic fillings) are made from tooth-colored to restore teeth that have decayed or fractured and bring back the tooth’s normal function and shape.
It means that the applied filling has the same color as the original teeth, basically it is invisible. Tooth color fillings can be used on front and back teeth and it is useful in fixing chipped teeth and closing gaps between teeth.
Porzelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers (dental veneers, composite veneers) are used to providing strength to natural teeth, recreate the natural look of teeth, improving the color of teeth. Veneers are supposed to change tooth color, shape and size to improve the smile and appearance.
Veneers are made in a dental labor by technician. To apply a veneer, it's necessary to remove a small amount of the original tooth enamel (less than a millimeter) to fit within the mouth.